
Steve Serrano - Tiger Shin's Taekwondo
Steve Serrano - Tiger Shin's Taekwondo
Steve Serrano - Tiger Shin's Taekwondo
Steve Serrano - Tiger Shin's Taekwondo
Steve Serrano - Tiger Shin's Taekwondo
Steve Serrano - Tiger Shin's Taekwondo
Steve Serrano - Tiger Shin's Taekwondo
Steve Serrano - Tiger Shin's Taekwondo
Steve Serrano - Tiger Shin's Taekwondo
Steve Serrano - Tiger Shin's Taekwondo
Steve Serrano - Tiger Shin's Taekwondo
Steve Serrano - Tiger Shin's Taekwondo

Tiger Shin’s Taekwondo

Branding, Re-Design.

In the case of Tiger Shin’s Taekwondo, an anchored design modality was used, given that the school has a 30-year trajectory in which it has managed to consolidate a brand value. In this work we took conceptual elements represented in the shield and corporate colors to redesign it and from there we started to intervene some existing assets that had to be rescued.  The shield was redesigned and some new assets were also created, such as the school flag, the institutional templates and the mascot, tiger Seok.


The general aesthetics were developed taking into account the training values that Master Shin instills in his students, such as discipline, respect, and diligent conscience, among others.  Simple geometric shapes, flat colors and the strong expression of the tiger are the resources used to show the commitment, dedication and discipline that characterize Taekwondo training.